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Feature Request - Get data from a database


Joined: February 21, 2022
Posts: 5

Posted: August 2, 2022

So request number 2.
I plot lots of lines using lng, lat (start) and then lng, lat (end) and if I add the date to a spreadsheet and import it lets me add lots of lines in one go as expected. In the future would it be possible to add data from a database, rather than having to import all the time ? Or if that's not possible could I leave a xls or CSV in a location and then have a refresh option to update the Map - realise this may be big ask

Kind regards
John B

Kind Regards
John B
MAPS Admin

Joined: December 24, 2021
Posts: 7

Posted: August 2, 2022
Hi John,

Which type of database do you use to manage your data?

I know that Google Spreadsheets integration is currently on the development "To-Do" list. However, this task hasn't been started yet, and I expect it will take a while because making sure data syncs correctly through the Google Sheets API is probably going to be tricky.

The other thing we're considering is opening up the API so that maps can be managed programmatically, e.g. as soon as new line is in your database an API call could be made automatically to immediately add it to the map. The benefit of opening up the API would be that it would apply to all other mapping functions too, e.g. creating/deleted maps, controlling settings for individual elements, etc.

- Alan

Joined: February 21, 2022
Posts: 5

Posted: August 7, 2022

I use MySql - the API is a great idea

John B

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